Noahide Law, Not Sharia Law, Is The Threat 🔯☪️✝️ Chuck Baldwin

Published on Jul 13, 2022
The Pharisees, Scribes, Elders and Priests of Israel were the great enemies of the Lord Jesus Christ. It was they who led the Hebrew people to crucify Christ and persecute and kill His apostles. These were also the men whose teachings and doctrines would later be compiled in the Talmud. The Sanhedrin was the governing council of these men and of the Hebrew nation at the time.
In his commentary on Matthew chapter five, the notable 19th century Bible commentator Albert Barnes (1798 – 1870) gives this background on the Sanhedrin:
The Sanhedrin was instituted in the time of the Maccabees, probably about 200 years before Christ. It was composed of 72 judges: the high priest was the president of this tribunal. The 72 members were made up of the chief priests and elders of the people and the scribes. The chief priests were such as had discharged the office of the high priest, and those who were the heads of the twenty-four classes of priests, who were called in an honorary way high or chief priests.
The elders were the princes of the tribes or heads of the family associations. It is not to be supposed that all the elders had a right to a seat here, but such only as were elected to the office. The scribes were learned people of the nation elected to this tribunal, being neither of the rank of priests or elders. This tribunal had cognizance of the great affairs of the nation. Until the time when Judea was subjected to the Romans, it had the power of life and death. It still retained the power of passing sentence, though the Roman magistrate held the right of execution. It usually sat in Jerusalem, in a room near the temple. It was before this tribunal that our Saviour was tried.
Most of today’s Christians are completely oblivious to the fact that the counterfeit State of Israel that was created in 1948 has re-established the Sanhedrin. Well, it did—in 2004. And while almost everyone in America is focused on the potential impeachment of President Trump (a sideshow produced by the gamemakers to keep the gullible trapped in the phony left-right paradigm), the Sanhedrin in Israel is this week (Wednesday, September 25 thru Friday, September 27) launching a new global body, The Organization of 70 Nations, that Israel hopes will take the place of the United Nations. But the purpose of this new global organization involves much more than nations sitting down to talk to one another.
During this three-day conference in Jerusalem, the nascent Sanhedrin is going to resume animal sacrifices and will call for the global implementation of Noahide laws, including the establishment of an international court based in Jerusalem that ultimately would be given the power to execute (via decapitation) anyone who commits "blasphemy" (this is the same charge that the Sanhedrin brought against Christ) by not submitting to the Talmudic/Chabadist form of worship.


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